Edit me

This is an open source project, so you may help to enhance it. Create pull request with changes made or issue with a problem description in repository

Contribution to documentation

To contribute to documentation please follow the instructions:

  1. Create issue or assign to yourself. Label the issue with documentation
  2. Create branch for the issue. Name it documentation/ISSUE_NUMBER-DESCRIPTION
  3. Create or edit documentation page
  4. Deploy locally
  5. Commit your changes to remote branch
  6. Create pull request to master

Create documentation page

To create new documentation page follow the instructions:

1) Add page reference to menu

- title: Sidebar
  levels: two
  - title: Model
    output: web
    - title: Catalog
      url: /Catalog.html
      output: web
    - title: NEW_PAGE_TITLE
      url: /NEW_PAGE_FILE_NAME.html
      output: web

2) Add page to model catalog model directory /docs/pages/model. Page file should have .md extension and should be written using markdown syntax

Deploy locally

To deploy documentation locally you have to install jekyll. Please pay attention, that there is no need to restart jekyll when you make changes to the pages, it will be regenerating automatically and in jekyll logs you will see following lines

 Regenerating: 1 file(s) changed at 2019-09-12 00:49:27
               ...done in 3.1696679 seconds.

For using local jekyll instalation:

1) Install jekyll

2) Start jekyll

jekyll serve