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This object represents particular user, service, group dialog or channel.


Variable Obligative Type Validation Description
type true String Must be filled with “USER” value Type of request “USER”
id true String Id must be a valid UUID Unique ID of a particular user
username false String - Username of a user in a messenger
lastName false String - Last name of a user in a messenger
firstName false String - First name of a user in a messenger


Variable Obligative Type Validation Description
type true String Must be filled with “BOT” value Type of request “BOT”
id true String Id must be a valid UUID Unique ID of a particular service
name false String - Title of a service in a messenger


Variable Obligative Type Validation Description
type true String Must be filled with “GROUP” value Type of request “GROUP”
id true String Id must be a valid UUID Unique ID of a particular group dialog
name false String - Title of a group dialog in a messenger


Variable Obligative Type Validation Description
type true String Must be filled with “CHANNEL” value Type of request “CHANNEL”
id true String Id must be a valid UUID Unique ID of a particular channel
name false false - Title of a channel
username false false - Username of a channel owner

Sample object

			"type": "USER",
			"id": "Uuid_value",
			 "username" :  "test_username",
			 "lastName":  "test_lastName",
			 "firstName":  "test_firstName"