Edit me


This object represents an update about a new message sent to dialog with a service.


Variable Obligative Type Description
updateId true String Uuid with backend ID of the update
messageId true String Uuid with backend ID of the message
sentAt true ZonedDateTime Time and date of sending a message
author true Peer Sender of a message
dialog true Peer Recipient of a message
content true String Text content
forwardMetadata false MessageForwardMetadata Original message info
likeCount false Long Quantity of likes received (for channel dialogs)
Media false List of Media List of media objects
repostCount false Long Quantity of reposts done (for channel dialogs)
viewCount false Long Quantity of post views (for channel dialogs)
channelPostAuthor false Peer Author of a channel post who offered it for posting to channel (this author can’t post in channel)
type true String “Message” value must be filled

Sample object

          "updateId" : "Uuid_value",
          "type" : "Message",
          "messageId" : "Uuid_value",
          "sentAt" : "2019-11-12T15:11:00.199Z",
          "author" : {
            "type" : "USER",
            "id" : "Uuid_value",
            "username" : "TestUsername",
            "lastName" : "TestlastName",
            "firstName" : "TestfirstName"
          "dialog" : {
            "type" : "GROUP",
            "id" : "Uuid_value",
            "name" : "Toi"
          "content" : "Hello",
          "forwardMetadata" : {
            "sender" : {
              "type" : "USER",
              "id" : "Uuid_value"
          "media" : [ {
            "type" : "Image",
            "fileId" : "Uuid_value",
            "mimeType" : "1234",
            "name" : "test",
            "size" : 100,
            "width" : 800,
            "height" : 800
          } ],
          "likeCount" : null,
          "repostCount" : null,
          "viewCount" : null,
          "channelPostAuthor" : null