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This object represents a type of button sent as a part of UIstate. QuickButton is powerful item of Ui that provides execution of various functions in messenger client with the use of form action mechanism.


Variable Obligative Type Validation Description
caption true String Caption length should be <= 32, recommended is 20 Title of corresponding button displayed in messenger’s UI
action true enum Specific type of item must be set Types of QuickButtonAction. Corresponds to a specific type of action for messenger client to perform
metadata true String Metadata length should be <= 255 Json or any string to be returned to a service as a parameter in update QuickButtonSelected for processing and/or data used by client to perform specific action

There are 2 main enum types of action:



For this messenger client would return to a service an update QuickButtonSelected with a metadata string after this button is pushed.


For this messenger client calls a specific function determined by json object sent in metadata after this button is pushed (contents of json object in metadata must be shielded). This type of action may invoke native mobile device functions as well.

Template of json object for metadata:

		"metadata"= "{
            "data_template":"data template*"


There are folowing types of QUICK_FORM_ACTION:

  • send_message
  • submit_form
  • open_url
  • share_data
  • open_peer
  • redirect_call
  • send_private_data


This type of action provides sending text or content in a form (included in UiState) to a dialog.

For this action service gets FormMessageSent update that means that through the use of this action a new message was sent to dialog (no message update is sent).


This type of action provides sending metadata to a service without sending a message to a dialog.

For this action service gets FormSubmitted update that means that user pushed this button.


This type of action provides opening weblink/deep link specified in metadata in a native web browser or app.

For this action service gets FormSubmitted update that means that user pushed this button.


This type of action provides sharing text specified in metadata by opening list of apps to use for sharing.

For this action service gets FormSubmitted update that means that user pushed this button.


This type of action provides opening a dialog with a peer specified in metadata or opening it's profile.

For this action service gets FormSubmitted update that means that user pushed this button.

If peer is a service and user already has a dialog with it then this dialog is to be opened, if user doesn’t have a dialog with a service then client opens this service’s profile.

If peer is a user client opens a user profile.

Opening a group dialog or channel is not supported.


This type of action provides invoking native calling app with a phone number filled and ready to make a phone call.

For this action service gets FormSubmitted update that means that user pushed this button.


This type of action provides sending user's phone number registered for account to a dialog.

For this action service gets FormMessageSent (for updated services) and FormSubmitted (for old services) updates that means that through the use of this action a new message was sent to dialog (no message update is sent).

Every form action needs specific data template to be sent in json object.

Action Data template IOS support Android support Description
send_message {form.id.content[n].id}/plain text + + if specified {form.id.content[n].id}, client sends to dialog content of field user filled in a form, if plain text specified it is sent to dialog as it is
submit_form {form.id.content[n].id}/plain text + + if specified {form.id.content[n].id}, client sends to service content of field user filled in a form, if plain text specified it is sent to service as it is
close_form - + + Client closes a form
open_url URL/Deeplink + + Client opens web-page by a default web-browser or mobile app
share_data Plain text + + Client opens dialog with a list of installed apps to choose one for sharing a text string
open_peer @username + + Client opens dialog with user/service or service’s profile
send_private_data “phone XXX” + + Client asks user for approval if positive it sends user’s phone number to dialog
redirect_call +phone_number* + + Client opens native calling app with specified phone number pasted

* number from 0 to 9, max 15 symbols

Sample object

"quickButtonCommands": [
 		 			"caption":"Send your phone #",
 		 			"metadata":"{\r\n   \"action\" : \"send_private_data\",\r\n   \"data_template\" : \"phone XXX\"\r\n}"
 		 			"caption":"Empty Button",
 		 			"caption":"Go to link",
 		 			"metadata":"{\r\n   \"action\" : \"open_url\",\r\n   \"data_template\" : \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNJTVLFotr0\"\r\n}"
 		 			"caption":"Send message",
 		 			"metadata":"{\r\n   \"action\" : \"send_message\",\r\n   \"data_template\" : \"Yes, you can!\"\r\n}"
 		 			"caption":"Share text",
 		 			"metadata":"{\r\n   \"action\" : \"share_data\",\r\n   \"data_template\" : \"Share me\"\r\n}"
 		 			"caption":"Open peer",
 		 			"metadata":"{\r\n   \"action\" : \"open_peer\",\r\n   \"data_template\" : \"@MasterService\"\r\n}"
 		 			"caption":"Call me maybe",
 		 			"metadata":"{\r\n   \"action\" : \"redirect_call\",\r\n   \"data_template\" : \"+7**********\"\r\n}"